March 7th is celebrated as International Open Data Day 2024

March 7th is celebrated as International Open Data Day 2024
Опубликовано: 07.03.2024

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As time goes by, technology pushes boundaries, life becomes more open, and the important data we need seems increasingly hidden. The concept of open data seeks to eradicate this completely. International Open Data Day will take place on March 7th, 2024. The day offers a variety of events to highlight the power and potential of open data.

The holiday first appeared in 1995, but long before that it was a topic of conversation in the research world. Researchers, scientists, analysts and developers believe that open access to data will lead to increased productivity in science and technology. This is because people around the world will be able to freely view and reuse the data to advance research in these areas.

Open data helps improve the efficiency of agencies and organizations. Businesses and organizations will be able to use data in many different areas such as market research, which will help them have more suitable development plans in the near future. Thanks to this, enterprises will limit losses in the business process.

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