1.1. URL
1.2. Requests
1.3. Responses
2.2 Update link
2.3 List of links
3.1 Create group
3.2 List of groups
3.3 Delete group
Welcome to the Goo.su API, your comprehensive tool for managing, tracking, and optimizing your shortened URLs. Designed to streamline your link management tasks, our API offers a wide range of features tailored to meet your needs.
Easily shorten long URLs into more manageable, shorter links suitable for sharing and tracking.
Manage your shortened links effortlessly, with options to edit, update, or delete them as needed.
Gain valuable insights into your link performance with detailed click statistics and analytics.
Organize your links efficiently by creating and managing link groups for better categorization and tracking.
Brand your links with custom domains to reinforce your brand identity and increase trust among your audience.
Utilize tracking pixels to monitor user interactions and gather data for targeted marketing campaigns.
...and much more!
All API requests must be made to the following base URL:
You need to use in HTTP requests only HTTPS protocol and UTF-8 encoding.
All requests require a header X-Goo-Api-Token.
All responses are returned in JSON format and UTF-8 encoding.
Possible response HTTP status codes:
Additional information on the request, error description or recommendations can be found in the message field.
POST /links/create
Service allows to create short link with any parameters
URL to be shortenedString|null
Link title.String|null
This value will be displayed as an identifier. For example for "cool" alias, the short link will look like this - https://goo.su/cool. Max length 10 characters. By default, the alias will be randomly generated.Boolean
By choosing the PUBLIC type, the link may be available to other Internet users. If you want the link to be private, set the value to Personal. By default value is TRUE
Set a password to protect your links from unauthorized access. By default this value is NULL.Integer|null
The id of one of your groups. By setting the identifier, the created link will be available among other links within the group. By default this value is NULL. Please note: This functionality is available in some tariff plans.Date|null
Format 'Y-m-d'. The date until which the link will be available. After the expiration of the period, referrals to the link will be unavailable. If this parameter is not set, then the link will always be available. By default this value is NULL.Integer|null
Custom domain ID. Used to brand your link. For example, for a custom domain 'brand.com' the link will look like https://brand.com/cool. Use your custom domain ID. You can get a list of your domains in the custom domains section. Please note: This functionality is available in some tariff plans. By default this value is NULL.Array of Integer|null
List of your tracking pixel IDs. Optimize user engagement using tracking pixels. Attach one or multiple pixels to track and analyze user activity clicking your shortened links. You can get a list of your tracking pixels in the tracking pixels section. Use id of your tracking pixels, for example [199, 3459, 9999]. Please note: This functionality is available in some tariff plans. By default this value is NULL.String|null
The title metadata. Using as tag <title>...</title> when redirecting. Please note: This functionality is available in some tariff plans. By default this value is NULL.String|null
The description metadata. Using as tag when redirecting. Please note: This functionality is available in some tariff plans. By default this value is NULL.String|null
Keywords metadata. Using as tag when redirecting. Please note: This functionality is available in some tariff plans. By default this value is NULL.String|null
The Og:title metadata. Using as tag when redirecting. Please note: This functionality is available in some tariff plans. By default this value is NULL.String|null
The Og:description metadata. Using as tag when redirecting. Please note: This functionality is available in some tariff plans. By default this value is NULL.String|null
The Og:image metadata. Using as tag when redirecting. Please note: This functionality is available in some tariff plans. By default this value is NULL.Array of String|null
Add tags to your links to make it easier to organize and find quickly. Please note: This functionality is available in some tariff plans. By default this value is NULL.curl --request POST \--url https://goo.su/api/links/create \--header 'content-type: application/json' \--header 'x-goo-api-token: XXXXXX' \--data '
"is_public": true,
"tags": ["job"]
"successful": true,
"message": "Link successfully created",
"link": {
"long_url": "https://www.api.com",
"short": "cool",
"hits": 0,
"group": {
"id": 2,
"name": "Test Group",
"short": "wow",
"description": "Description of the group",
"url": "https://goo.su/g/wow"
"tags": ["job"]
"short_url": "https://goo.su/cool",
"qr": {
"base64": "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"
Successful requestString
Text message. By default is NULLString
Source urlString
Alias of the short linkString|null
Title of the linkInteger
Number of clicks on the linkArray of Strings|null
List of link tagsObject|null
Group the link belongs toInteger
Id of the link groupString
Name of the link groupString
Description of the link groupString
Url of the link groupString
Short linkString
Image of the QR code of the link in base64 formatPOST /links/edit/<alias>
Service allows to update your link using the link alias.
URL to be shortenedString|null
Link title.Boolean
By choosing the PUBLIC type, the link may be available to other Internet users. If you want the link to be private, set the value to Personal. By default value is TRUE
The id of one of your groups. By setting the identifier, the created link will be available among other links within the group. By default this value is NULL. Please note: This functionality is available in some tariff plans.Date|null
Format 'Y-m-d'. The date until which the link will be available. After the expiration of the period, referrals to the link will be unavailable. If this parameter is not set, then the link will always be available. By default this value is NULL.Array of Integer|null
List of your tracking pixel IDs. Optimize user engagement using tracking pixels. Attach one or multiple pixels to track and analyze user activity clicking your shortened links. You can get a list of your tracking pixels in the tracking pixels section. Use id of your tracking pixels, for example [199, 3459, 9999]. Please note: This functionality is available in some tariff plans. By default this value is NULL.String|null
The title metadata. Using as tag <title>...</title> when redirecting. Please note: This functionality is available in some tariff plans. By default this value is NULL.String|null
The description metadata. Using as tag when redirecting. Please note: This functionality is available in some tariff plans. By default this value is NULL.String|null
Keywords metadata. Using as tag when redirecting. Please note: This functionality is available in some tariff plans. By default this value is NULL.String|null
The Og:title metadata. Using as tag when redirecting. Please note: This functionality is available in some tariff plans. By default this value is NULL.String|null
The Og:description metadata. Using as tag when redirecting. Please note: This functionality is available in some tariff plans. By default this value is NULL.String|null
The Og:image metadata. Using as tag when redirecting. Please note: This functionality is available in some tariff plans. By default this value is NULL.Array of String|null
Add tags to your links to make it easier to organize and find quickly. Please note: This functionality is available in some tariff plans. By default this value is NULL.curl --request POST \--url https://goo.su/api/links/edit/ALIAS \--header 'content-type: application/json' \--header 'x-goo-api-token: XXXXXX' \--data '
"tags": ["job"]
"successful": true,
"message": "Link successfully updated",
"link": {
"long_url": "https://www.api.com",
"short": "ALIAS",
"hits": 0,
"group": {
"id": 2,
"name": "Test Group",
"short": "wow",
"description": "Description of the group",
"url": "https://goo.su/g/wow"
"tags": ["job"]
"short_url": "https://goo.su/cool",
"qr": {
"base64": "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"
Successful requestString
Text message. By default is NULLString
Source urlString
Alias of the short linkString|null
Title of the linkInteger
Number of clicks on the linkArray of Strings|null
List of link tagsObject|null
Group the link belongs toInteger
Id of the link groupString
Name of the link groupString
Description of the link groupString
Url of the link groupString
Short linkString
Image of the QR code of the link in base64 formatGET /links
Goo.su Api allows to get list of your links.
The number of links contained in the result. Max value is 25. By default is 25.Integer
The number of items to skip. By default is 0.Integer
Id of one of your groups. The result will include links for this group. By default NULL.curl --header 'X-Goo-Api-Token: XXXXXXX' 'https://goo.su/api/links?limit=2&offset=3&group_id=2'
"successful": true,
"message": "",
"count": 6,
"limit": 2,
"offset": 3,
"links": [
"long_url": "https://docs.google.com/",
"short": "A",
"title": "Google doc link",
"hits": 0,
"group": {
"id": 2,
"name": "Test Group",
"short": "wow",
"description": "Description of the group",
"url": "https://goo.su/g/wow"
"short_url": "https://goo.local/A",
"qr": {
"base64": "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"
"tracking_pixels": [
"id": 684,
"name": "my Google pixel #1",
"code": "UA-141664405-2",
"type": "Google Analytics",
"type_id": 2
"id": 686,
"name": "my yandex metrika pixel",
"code": "54142170",
"type": "Yandex.Metrika",
"type_id": 1
"id": 687,
"name": "facebook pixel#5",
"code": "168345577755674",
"type": "Facebook Pixel",
"type_id": 3
"meta": {
"title": "Sales report 2018",
"description": "A detailed report including data from all departments of the company for 2018",
"keywords": "sales, 2018, reports",
"og:title": "Report 2018",
"og:description": null,
"og:image": "https://facebook.com/sdE/1.jpg"
"long_url": "http://test.ru",
"short": "p",
"title": null,
"hits": 0,
"group": {
"id": 2,
"name": "Test Group",
"short": "wow",
"description": "Description of the group",
"url": "https://goo.su/g/wow"
"short_url": "https://goo.local/p",
"qr": {
"base64": "1rc1av1mtOveAmEWABxawgAUsBCxgAQtYwFpR1WxuuHieo/JZlKquPv5qh9Ud25/bDQLrbzVFrOxOP0pVMY73+3ZY272afQfiNg+1Zo6crHfNKx3ELAI8sIAFLGAhYAELWMAC1orq2tyw9ESnFXiU+ktYt5t2WLul99XLjiLypf4eJjvKDZnZ9FgbsrjMoz2s4MfTcrJKyXyp3gkcNTuK1DQ7s+pcbTgmJysBHljAAhawELCABSxgAQtYSNG/sv+mdR376s4AAAAASUVORK5CYII="
"active_before": null,
"tracking_pixels": [],
"meta": {
"title": null,
"description": null,
"keywords": null,
"og:title": null,
"og:description": null,
"og:image": null
Successful requestString
Text message. By default is NULLInteger
Total number of links on requestInteger
The number of links contained in the result.Integer
The number of items to skip.Array of Link
List of links.String
Source urlString
Alias of the short linkInteger
Number of clicks on the linkString|null
Title of the linkObject|null
Group the link belongs toInteger
Id of the link groupString
Name of the link groupString
Description of the link groupString
Url of the link groupArray of objects
Link tracking pixels usedInteger
Tracking Pixel IDString
Tracking Pixel nameString
Tracking Pixel codeString
Tracking Pixel typeInteger
Tracking Pixel type idObject
Metadata of the link. Display in meta tags on the redirect page if one of these options is set.Sting|null
The title metadata. Using as tag <title>...</title> when redirectingSting|null
The description metadata. Using as tag <meta name="description" content="..."> when redirectingSting|null
Keywords metadata. Using as tag <meta name="keywords" content="..."> when redirectingSting|null
The Og:title metadata. Using as tag <meta property="og:title" content="..." /> when redirectingSting|null
The Og:description metadata. Using as tag <meta property="og:description" content="..." /> when redirectingSting|null
The Og:image metadata. Using as tag <meta property="og:image" content="..." /> when redirectingString
Short linkString
Image of the QR code of the link in base64 formatDate|null
The date until which the link will be available. After the expiration of the period, referrals to the link will be unavailable. If this parameter is not set, then the link will always be available.POST|DELETE /links/delete/<alias>
You can remove your short link using the link alias.
curl --request POST \--url https://goo.local/api/links/delete/cool \--header 'content-type: application/json' \--header 'x-goo-api-token: XXXXXX'
"successful": true,
"message": "Link removed"
POST /groups/create
Service allows to create groups for your links.
Group nameString
Group description. Default NULLString
This value will be displayed as an identifier. For example for "super" alias, link to new group will look like this - https://goo.su/g/super. Max length 10 characters. By default, the alias will be randomly generated.Boolean
Whether this link group is publicly viewable. By default value is TRUE
If set, the above URL will redirect to a random link from the group instead of displaying all links belonging to the group. By default value is FALSE
curl --request POST \--url https://goo.su/api/groups/create \--header 'content-type: application/json' \--header 'x-goo-api-token: XXXXXX' \--data '
"name":"My links",
"description":"Links to my social networks",
"alias": "super",
"successful": true,
"message": "Group created",
"group": {
"id": 3,
"name": "My links",
"short": "super",
"description": "Links to my social networks",
"url": "https://goo.local/g/super"
Successful requestString
Text message.Integer
Group IDString
Group nameString
Group aliasString
Group descriptionString
Group urlGET /groups
You can receive list of your groups.
The number of groups contained in the result. Max value is 100. By default is 100.Integer
The number of items to skip. By default is 0.curl --request GET \--url https://goo.su/api/groups \--header 'token: XXXXX'
"successful": true,
"message": "",
"count": 1,
"groups": [
"id": 3,
"name": "My links",
"short": "super",
"description": "Links to my social networks",
"url": "https://goo.local/g/super"
Successful requestString
Text message.Array of Group
List of your groups.String
Group idString
Group nameString
Group aliasString
Group descriptionString
Group urlPOST|DELETE /groups/delete/<group_id>
You can remove your group using the group id.
curl --request POST \--url https://goo.su/api/groups/delete/3 \--header 'content-type: application/json' \--header 'x-goo-api-token: XXXXX'
"successful": true,
"message": "Group removed"
POST /tracking-pixels/create
The Goo.su service allows you to create tracking pixels for your links. This allows you to track and analyze the behavior of users who follow your shortened links.
NOTE: Available on select plans. See https://goo.su/plans
name String
The tracking pixel name.
code String
Tracking pixel code. You can get the pixel code from the corresponding service,
for example Google Analytics or Yandex.Metrika
type_id Integer
ID of the tracking pixel service. Available values:
Yandex.Metrika: 1
Google Analytics: 2
Facebook Pixel: 3
LinkedIn Insight: 4
Twitter Pixel: 5
Hotjar: 6
DoubleClick Floodlight: 7
Pinterest: 8
Mailchimp: 9
curl --request POST \--url https://goo.su/api/tracking-pixels/create \--header 'content-type: application/json' \--header 'x-goo-api-token: XXXXXX' \--data '{"name":"Facebook pixel #1","code": "18623354455",
"type_id": 3
"successful": true,
"message": "The tracking pixel has been created.",
"tracking_pixel": {
"id": 2690,
"name": "Facebook pixel #1",
"code": "18623354455",
"type": "Facebook Pixel",
"type_id": 3
Successful requestString
Text message.Object
Created tracking pixel dataInteger
ID of the created tracking pixelString
Name of the created tracking pixelString
Code of the created tracking pixelString
Type of the created tracking pixelInteger
ID of the type of created tracking pixelGET /tracking-pixels
Returns a list of your tracking pixels. NOTE: Available on select plans. See https://goo.su/plans
The number of tracking pixels contained in the result. Max value is 100. By default is 100.Integer
The number of items to skip. By default is 0.curl --request GET \--url https://goo.su/api/tracking-pixels \--header 'x-goo-api-token: XXXXX'
"successful": true,
"message": "",
"count": 7,
"tracking_pixels": [
"id": 2690,
"name": "Facebook pixel #1",
"code": "18623354455",
"type": "Facebook Pixel",
"type_id": 3
"id": 2649,
"name": "PINTEREST pixel",
"code": "4556",
"type": "Pinterest",
"type_id": 8
"id": 2388,
"name": "LinkedIn pixel",
"code": "9999333444555",
"type": "LinkedIn Insight",
"type_id": 4
Successful requestArray of objects
List of your tracking pixelsInteger
ID of the tracking pixelString
Tracking pixel nameString
Tracking pixel codeString
Tracking pixel typeString
Tracking pixel type idPOST|DELETE /tracking-pixels/delete/<tracking_pixel_id>
You can remove your tracking pixel using id.
curl --request POST \--url https://goo.su/api/tracking-pixels/delete/685 \--header 'content-type: application/json' \--header 'x-goo-api-token: XXXXX'
"successful": true,
"message": "Tracking pixel removed"
The Goo.su service allows to create your custom domains. When a link includes your brand, it helps people recognize and associate your links with your product or company. When they see your brand, they trust your links. This leads to a higher click-through rate.
You can read more about custom domains here.
POST /custom-domain/create
NOTE: Available on select plans. See https://goo.su/plans
Custom domain name. For example, brand.com. Your short link will look like https://brand.com/link with this domain.curl --request POST \--url https://goo.su/api/custom-domain/create \--header 'content-type: application/json' \--header 'x-goo-api-token: XXXXXX' \--data '{
"successful": true,
"message": "The custom domain has been created.",
"custom_domain": {
"id": 2340,
"domain": "brand.com",
"status": {
"id": 0,
"name": "In Verification"
"custom_domains_remaining_in_the_current_month": 4
Successful requestString
Text message.Object
Created custom domain dataInteger
ID of the created custom domainString
Domain nameObject
Current verification statusInteger
ID of verification statusInteger
Verification statusInteger
Number of custom domains you can create this month, according to your pricing planGET /custom-domains
Returns a list of your custom domains. NOTE: Available on select plans. See https://goo.su/plans
The number of tracking pixels contained in the result. Max value is 100. By default is 100.Integer
The number of items to skip. By default is 0.curl --request GET \--url https://goo.su/api/custom-domains \--header 'x-goo-api-token: XXXXX'
"successful": true,
"succes": true,
"message": "",
"count": 3,
"custom_domains": [
"id": 2340,
"domain": "brand.com",
"status": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Verified"
"id": 2329,
"domain": "test-domain.com",
"status": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Verified"
"id": 2123,
"domain": "goo.dev",
"status": {
"id": 0,
"name": "In Verification"
Successful requestArray of Objects
List of your custom domainsInteger
ID of the custom domainString
Domain nameObject
Current verification statusInteger
ID of verification statusInteger
Verification statusPOST|DELETE /custom-domains/delete/<custom_domain_id>
You can remove your custom domain using id.
curl --request POST \--url https://goo.su/api/custom-domains/delete/2329 \--header 'content-type: application/json' \--header 'x-goo-api-token: XXXXX'
"successful": true,
"message": "Custom domain removed"